
Hugo Zbinden
University of Geneva
Project Coordinator, Applied Quantum Cryptography, QKD & QRNG

Florian Fröwis
ID Quantique
Project Manager, Quantum Theory

Rob Thew
University of Geneva
Project Communication, Device Independent Quantum Technologies

Sara Fatale
ID Quantique
Project Exploitation, Intellectual Property Management

Gabriel Senno
Quantum Cryptography

Thomas Strohm
Robert Bosch GmbH
Solid State Theory, Industrial Quantum Communication and Computation

Carlos Abellan

Toni Acin
Quantum Theory, Device Independent Protocols

Stefano Pironio
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Quantum Theory, Device Independent Protocols

Ingrid Verbauwhede
KU Leuven
Systems & Architecture Design, FPGA & ASIC Embedded Software

Dave Singelee
KU Leuven
Network Security & Privacy, Cryptographic Protocols for IoT

Nicolas Brunner
University of Geneva
Quantum Theory, Device Independent & Self-Testing Protocols

Milos Grujic
KU Leuven
QRNG Certification, Cryptographic Primitives

Serge Massar
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Quantum Theory, Cryptography & Protocols

Ingo Herrmann

Valerio Pruneri
Opto-electronics, Applied Quantum Cryptography, QKD, QRNG

Vladimir Rozic
KU Leuven
Embedded Security, Secure Cryptographic Chips

Lorenzo Pavesi
University of Trento
Quantum & Integrated Photonics

Domenico Tulli
Chief Technology Officer, Integrated Photonics Devices

Ferrin Martin
Technical Project Manager, Atomic Quantum Optics, Metrology

Morgan Mitchell
Quantum Optics, Quantum Randomness Generation

Nicolas Cerf
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Quantum Theory, Quantum Optics

Nicola Massari
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Optical sensors, CMOS design

Yu Zou
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Optical sensors, CMOS design